"View from Above"
Looking over the edge is never easy and quite a lonely experience. I am pleased whenever I find fellow travelers who are brave enough to stand by my side a moment and gaze with me upon the beauty that can be found over the edge (if one just uses the right flash light, spot light, magnifying glass, six pairs of rose colored glasses(?) to see... and holds on tight to that rope we have wrapped around our middles and attached back to that oak tree behind us, which is attached to the rock back behind that, which is attached to the hill and then to the mountain behind there....)
This painting is in the CONTROL show at:
Ceres Gallery,
547 West 27th, Suite 201.
New York, NY. 10001
February 1-26, 2011.
The reception is February 10, 6-9 pm.
CONTROL is an exhibition of artwork by members of west coast chapters of Women's Caucus for Art. For more information about WCA check out www.nationalwca.org.