Once out there in the world, our work takes on a life of its own.
I am pondering a piece of art I once did that used to be one thing, someone collaged into another thing, and it became something new in the process. The original intent is gone but a sliver of former truth remains.
Of late I have been revealing a little bit of what I think about when I do my drawings. I generally don't want to share too much because I'd like the viewer to have his/her own relationship with the piece. This is risk taking, because every individual brings to the viewing unique limitations alongside their insights.
I recently viewed a museum exhibition on Bonnard and was amazed at the simplicity of description I found on the informative labels. It was as if the curator wanted to discuss the most superficial of interpretations, and make mystery out of the obvious. Meanwhile, down underneath, was a subtle depth of consciousness that was aching to be described.
But maybe that deep stuff isn't describable. I am finding that we humans do not think the same, none of us. Obviously we have different abilities to think quickly and with wit, but aside from that we have different abilities to take in different kinds of content. This ability to take in information varies as we travel through life.
It is for this reason that I am interested to see how an artist's art changes as this person grows older. What kind of relevance can be found in the manner with which that the artist changes the art... or doesn't! I am skeptical about the inner meat of art that doesn't change over time. This feels like design more than art. On the other hand, design and art go hand in hand. I am thinking it is important to know what we are dealing with, and then appreciate what it is for what it is (once we know what it is)... until we change our perspective, which might be in one minute from now.
Therefore, I don't tell people much about what goes on in my head when I create art. It is always shifting... taking on new perspectives... as are the minds of the viewers.